Employees are expected to demonstrate a high standard of performance that includes demonstrating conduct consistent with university policies and standards and achieving the outcomes for which they are accountable.

Where performance is less than satisfactory, the university is committed to providing employees with an opportunity to improve performance and is committed to supporting an employee’s success. Most performance difficulties can be resolved at an early stage. When performance standards are not met, the university will provide support through focused performance feedback and coaching. If performance problems persist, further corrective measures will be taken.  These include but are not limited to the following:

  1. written clarification of expectations
  2. written reprimand (warning)
  3. suspension
  4. termination for just cause (if the above steps do not result in improvement)

These measures are intended to help employees succeed by correcting any performance problems before they become more serious. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, and for just cause the university may proceed immediately with termination. Termination for just cause does not require notice or pay in lieu of notice.

Just cause means there are grounds for discipline or termination. Some examples of just cause include (but are not limited to) gross misconduct, significant and uncorrected performance problems, violation of policies and standards, theft, fraud, dishonesty etc.